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High vs Low Quality Bought SoundCloud Followers

Date: March 1, 2017 / Categories: Getting Discovered, SoundCloud Plays, Tips, / Author: Pamela

Soundcloud is a platform that reaches about 200 million people monthly, with almost 10 hours of audio uploaded every minute. If you're an aspiring musician, Soundcloud is the place for you to share your music with the world. As a new artist, getting your songs heard...

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High vs Low Quality Bought SoundCloud Followers

Date: March 1, 2017 / Author: Pamela
Categories: Getting Discovered, SoundCloud Plays, Tips,

Soundcloud is a platform that reaches about 200 million people monthly, with almost 10 hours of audio uploaded every minute. If you're an aspiring musician, Soundcloud is the place for you to share your music with the world. As a new artist, getting your songs heard...

The 9 Biggest Mistakes Musicians Make on SoundCloud

Date: January 31, 2017 / Author: Chell
Categories: Getting Discovered, SoundCloud Plays, Tips,

If you’re using SoundCloud as the primary marketing tool for your musical genius but still finding it hard to make any significant breakthrough, you’re probably doing it wrong. SoundCloud offers a wide variety of features for artists, but it’s up to you to use them...

How SoundCloud Engagement Equals Success

Date: January 14, 2017 / Author: Mariko
Categories: Getting Discovered, SoundCloud Plays,

These days, it’s easier than ever to launch a music career with the help of free apps and services like SoundCloud. There are already countless success stories of people who used SoundCloud to kickstart their path to stardom. While some have all the luck and...

5 Big Artists Who Started On SoundCloud

Date: January 7, 2017 / Author: Pamela
Categories: Getting Discovered, Marketing, SoundCloud Plays,

Years ago, aspiring singers and musicians had a hard time getting their music out there for the world to hear. You might be the most talented, with the best composition skills, but you just didn’t have access to the tools and services you needed to...

What To Do After You Buy SoundCloud Plays: Part 1

Date: December 20, 2016 / Author: Mariko
Categories: Getting Discovered, SoundCloud Plays, Tips,

Tweaks and Tips for Your SoundCloud Account So you bought SoundCloud plays – now what? Most people might assume that buying SoundCloud plays is enough for their music career to start gaining massive recognition. While it can definitely give you the head start you need...

Buy SC Plays Review

Date: December 16, 2016 / Author: Rich Drees
Categories: Review, SoundCloud Plays,

In a Nutshell (TL;DR) Buy SC Plays is one of the most affordable SoundCloud plays providers in the market, with rates beginning at $3.00. On their website they claim to provide authentic and untargeted plays, but their quick turnaround time gives us the impression that...

I Bought You SoundCloud Plays

Date: December 14, 2016 / Author: Mariko
Categories: Getting Discovered, Marketing, SoundCloud Plays,

So you want to buy someone else SoundCloud plays? Buying plays for others may seem like an innocent and even generous gesture but if you don’t play your cards right, you might end up hurting someone’s career. There are hundreds of providers of plays, but...

What Makes a Good SoundCloud Follower Provider?

Date: December 6, 2016 / Author: Mariko
Categories: Marketing, SoundCloud Plays, Tips,

There are a ton of musicians on SoundCloud today, chasing their dreams and scrambling to get exposure. What separates the big fish from the little fish? The number of followers they have, and the views on their tracks. Gaining followers can be a long and arduous...

How Much Do SoundCloud Followers Cost?

Date: December 2, 2016 / Author: Rich Drees
Categories: Getting Discovered, Marketing, SoundCloud Plays,

Building a massive following on SoundCloud costs time, effort and creativity. However, not everyone has the time or resources to build a massive following – especially when you’re in a hurry to promote your music and gain recognition in the music industry. There are several...

SoundCloud Go – Top 10 Pros and Cons

Date: November 21, 2016 / Author: Mariko
Categories: Marketing, SoundCloud Plays, Tips,

SoundCloud Go is a fairly new subscription service, aiming to go head-to-head with some of the biggest music streaming apps like Spotify and Tidal. Although less than groundbreaking in this scene, SoundCloud is home to quite a few independent acts, bands and artists – giving...

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