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How SoundCloud Has Changed the Music Industry

Date: August 22, 2017 / Categories: Tips, / Author: Chell

Indeed, SoundCloud changed not just the lives of artists and consumers but also record labels and the whole music industry. In the wake of SoundCloud getting a new source of funding and the promise that SoundCloud here to stay and shake the music industry forever, let’s take a look at some of the biggest changes the platform has brought to everyone's lives.

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How SoundCloud Has Changed the Music Industry

Date: August 22, 2017 / Author: Chell
Categories: Tips,

Indeed, SoundCloud changed not just the lives of artists and consumers but also record labels and the whole music industry. In the wake of SoundCloud getting a new source of funding and the promise that SoundCloud here to stay and shake the music industry forever, let’s take a look at some of the biggest changes the platform has brought to everyone's lives.

SoundCloud Best Practices for Musical Success

Date: August 14, 2017 / Author: Mariko
Categories: Getting Discovered, Marketing,

It’s been reported that SoundCloud is silently working on integrating their system into devices such as Google Home and the Xbox One, along with other new features aimed at bringing more users to the platform. If the rumors are true, the SoundCloud community is in the process of a revival and you’ll have an even better chance of getting your music heard.

Should You Buy SoundCloud Plays?

Date: August 11, 2017 / Author: Mariko
Categories: Getting Discovered, SoundCloud Plays,

Buying SoundCloud Plays from a tried and tested provider is one way to efficiently strengthen your credibility on the platform. Bought SoundCloud Plays can help you attract more listeners to your account - which can help you leverage your career as you do your part in reviving the platform in general.

Getting Your First 1000 SoundCloud Followers

Date: August 4, 2017 / Author: Chell
Categories: Getting Discovered, Marketing,

There are a number of a number of big artists who started off and got discovered via SoundCloud. At first it can be very overwhelming growing your SoundCloud presence but it will all be worth it, especially when you finally hear fans screaming your name.

How to Make Better Music

Date: July 27, 2017 / Author: Pamela
Categories: Marketing, Tips,

As an artist, when you plant clear goals in your head and ignore whatever’s unimportant, you’ll be training the professional focus you need for long term success. Clarity will give you certainty. When you know exactly what your next steps will be, your musical brain cells will know what to do and when to do it.

SoundCloud vs Spotify: Which Is Better For Artists?

Date: July 11, 2017 / Author: Mariko
Categories: Getting Discovered, Tips,

Both platforms have something unique and rewarding to offer a budding musician like yourself - but which one will help your career the most? We put the two biggest music streaming platforms head-to-head to find out. Read on to see what we’ve uncovered.

The 9 Best Blogs To Get Your Music On

Date: June 28, 2017 / Author: Mariko
Categories: Getting Discovered, Marketing,

Do you want to land a feature on an influential music blog? Find out the best music sites on the net to submit your music to and gain fans.

Killer SoundCloud Content Strategy Tips for Budding Podcasters

Date: June 20, 2017 / Author: Mariko
Categories: Getting Discovered, Marketing,

SoundCloud was one of the first platforms to offer intuitive podcasting services to the people of the internet. Despite lacking press recognition, it has remained one of the most affordable and user-friendly podcasting platforms out there.

Why Musicians Should Care About Social Proof

Date: June 13, 2017 / Author: Chell
Categories: Getting Discovered, SoundCloud Plays,

Psychologists define social proof as the tendency of people to follow the decisions and opinions of other people, when they can’t make decisions for themselves or ascertain the correct behavior in a given situation.

15 Inspirational SoundCloud Accounts You Should Follow

Date: June 7, 2017 / Author: Pamela
Categories: SoundCloud Plays, Tips,

Despite relatively small followings and minimal media coverage, plenty of SoundCloud artists have managed to garner tons of attention to their profile pages. These days, SoundCloud viral success stories are being heard more often, and somewhat obscure artists are steadily building their fan bases behind the scenes.

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