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The Most Amazing SoundCloud Statistics

Date: April 2, 2021 / Categories: SoundCloud Plays, / Author: Joy P

SoundCloud is a platform that gives users an opportunity to embrace the whole world of music. It is one of the biggest open audio platforms.

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The Most Amazing SoundCloud Statistics

Date: April 2, 2021 / Author: Joy P
Categories: SoundCloud Plays,

SoundCloud is a platform that gives users an opportunity to embrace the whole world of music. It is one of the biggest open audio platforms.

What Is SoundCloud Player One: Battle Royale?

Date: March 25, 2021 / Author: Joy P
Categories: New Stuff,

According to her, the lack of events in the entertainment industry increased the importance of providing people with more opportunities.

SoundCloud is Planning to Let Users Tip Their Favorite Artists

Date: March 18, 2021 / Author: Kam R
Categories: New Stuff,

SoundCloud has always been deemed synonym with remix music as well as the creation of SoundCloud rappers. But it has lost some of its users.

SoundCloud’s Repost Rewind Vol. 5 Has the Best Tracks for the Season

Date: January 20, 2021 / Author: Joy P
Categories: SoundCloud Plays,

For those who want to tease their listeners before releasing a new track, Repost Rewind allows you to build smart links.

Bringing Back the Cloud Bar Conversations

Date: January 13, 2021 / Author: Joy P
Categories: New Stuff,

Now that we are facing challenges in these unprecedented times, live events across the globe went on hold or cancelled.

SoundCloud’s Playlist For the Black History Month in the UK

Date: December 3, 2020 / Author: Joy P
Categories: Getting Discovered,

To honor such influential musicians, SoundCloud enlisted some of the best Black British SoundCloud creators and tastemakers.

“First on SoundCloud” Features the Princess of Afrobeats – Cuppy

Date: November 25, 2020 / Author: Joy P
Categories: Getting Discovered,

Although it was hard for her to leave the place where she grew up, a gift given by her parents helped her tackle the transition head-on.

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