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Get Your SoundCloud Noticed by A&R Reps

Date: February 16, 2016 / Categories: Getting Discovered, Tips, / Author: Viv

Compared to the way things were in the past, artists don't need a label quite as much as they used to. The internet has made it much easier to promote music. Still, there are a lot of benefits to getting signed, and it eliminates a...

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Get Your SoundCloud Noticed by A&R Reps

Date: February 16, 2016 / Author: Viv
Categories: Getting Discovered, Tips,

Compared to the way things were in the past, artists don't need a label quite as much as they used to. The internet has made it much easier to promote music. Still, there are a lot of benefits to getting signed, and it eliminates a...

3 Ways to Cross Promote Your Music on YouTube and SoundCloud

Date: February 6, 2016 / Author: Viv
Categories: Marketing, Tips,

As an artist building an online following, you'll want to use as many platforms as possible. Growing on platforms like YouTube can be made easier by cross-promoting across different social media platforms. For artists, a clear complement to a YouTube channel is SoundCloud. Those who...

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